Pilot: Tom Richards
Plane: Albatross D3, made from heat formed 6 mm Depron. 10" prop. Experimental scratch build needs more weight in nose (after one flight). Ask Tom about other building techniques.
Pilot: Russ Doll
Plane: F109B from Hobby King. This $79 model is advertised as 100+ mph and Russ says it is FAST! Motor turns 20,000 rpm at WOT. ARF only requires adding the tail, battery (3 or 4 cell 850 mah), receiver, and hooking up linkages.
Pilot: Shannon Newman
Plane: Video camera and receiver with range of 1000' for only $29 at Nitro Planes. Camera is powered by standard 9 volt battery. Receiver is powered by 12 volt gel cell. See more on YouTube by searching for OAGH.
Pilot: Shannon Newman
Plane: Camera and 9-volt battery.